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This project is our final project for the third quarter. We are assigned to do a project under one of the topics: conservation of energy, gravity, and rotational motion. We choose conservation of energy and focus on the geothermal power. We come up with the idea of using the heat energy from volcanoes to evaporate water to get steam, power our steam engines, and thus generate electricity. In order to visualize our idea, we made a model of the volcanoes and each components in our system such as the water storage, the turbine, and the electricity storage. This project improved our analysis skills since we need to read a lot of articles that is related to our topics. It improve my understanding about each type of the turbines, the idea of energy transfer, and the energy stored when a substance changes state.   


 - Leader of the future - Work and plan with my friend. Brainstorm the idea. Listen to other members opinion.

 - Innovative Thinkers - come up with a new concept. Think for further improvement in each part of the system. 


We are learning about the concept of conservation of momentum. In this lab, we are provided with two carts, rails, and a motion detector. We measure the mass of the cart and then start doing the work. Our task in this lab is to demonstrate a collision between the two carts and record the information that the motion detector gather such as the velocity of the object before and after colliding. With the mass and the velocity before and after the collision provided, we were able to plug in all the variables into the conservation of momentum formula and prove that it was true. The result appear to has some difference between the total momentum before and after the collision but with just a very small margin. This give us the idea that there should still be some energy lost during the moving process.    

The conservation of momentum is an ideal situation in which there is no interference to the system from its surrounding. Even though, it won't be able to tell exactly what is happening but with its small margin of error we can still use these formula to predict or estimate the value of an object velocity before and after colliding to each others.


 - Innovative Thinkers - come up with an idea to explain the error founded in the lab

 - Leader of the future - divide the work equally between each individual 

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