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Corona Simulator

Reflection:  We learn about the corona simulator application. We create a game that is based on the idea of shoot em up. I draw most of the graphics in this game such as the background, the bullet, and the main character. It was very fun and enjoyable. The game idea is an angel fighting with ghosts and monsters. In my game, there are three main drop items: normal soul, life soul, and power soul. The normal soul will increase the score. Life soul will increase health. Lastly, the power soul will grant the main character the ability to evolve. There will be more fairy orbiting it and thus increase the attack range of the main character. The final ability is the explosion button in the lower-left corner. By pressing this, it will delete all the enemies that exist.  While doing this project, I have learned about different types of collisions, handling objects in a group, and saving data into a text file. The collision type I choose to use is a box-box collision because most of my images can be fit in a rectangle without having a lot of blank space. I feel that this will be the best choice for my game. All of the objects in this game will belong to a group. I use a "for loop" to run through each object and adjust its properties such as the alpha, x-position, y-position, and rotation. Corona is a bit unique in how we can set up a specific variable for each object by just declaring it and this variable will stick with that particular object for the whole time. This was very convenient and it helps me in making a count down for each individual of the enemy. This leads to the monster having a special ability such as immunity. Saving data in this game is used only for the high score. It was kept in a text file. We use the json library to encode and decode the information. Some improvement I can work on is the adjustment of the details such as the enemy spawn time, the enemy amount, the bullet size and speed, and the immunity time. As the game continues to one point, the screen will be full of the enemy bullet and the player won't be able to escape it at all.  

ESLOs: Strategic Learners, Innovative Thinkers

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