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Cell Model Project

We are learning about different type of cell in our body. Our group are assigned to make a models of an Adipocyte (fat cell), both brown and white. We also need to do a research about how the Adipocyte is differ from a normal cell and if this cell is malfunctioning which disorder can it cause. We decide to make the models by using a foam, clay, and a balloon. Foam is for the base of the cell, Clay is for the organelles, and balloon is for the fat reservoir. We also present our research information in the form of a board. The thing I think can do well in this project is the model, we try to show the difference between the two type of the fat cell. The thing I found hard is the finding of information. They are many article that use technical term so it was hard to understand.


- Innovative Thinkers - be original and creative of the materials used to make the models, analyze the different between the fat cell and normal cell

- Strategic Learners - use laptop to do a research about the Adipocyte

- Leaders of the future - distribute the job to every member in the group

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