Disease Researching Project
This project is about choosing one disease that we are interested in to do a research about. We will find about the brief history of the...
Liver Enzyme Lab
In this lab, we are testing whether the enzyme catalase work best in which condition. We add hydrogen peroxide to the liver which contain...
Cell Model Project
We are learning about different type of cell in our body. Our group are assigned to make a models of an Adipocyte (fat cell), both brown...
DNA Activity
We are learning about organic molecules the nucleic acid, so we will make a DNA which is one type of nucleic acid. Our group have 3...
Organic Molecules Lab
In this quarter, we've learned about the four types of organic molecules including the carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic...
Scavenger Hunt Activity
For this activity, We are going to the library. The activity is about finding a question that are hidden in the library. The question is...