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Disease Researching Project

This project is about choosing one disease that we are interested in to do a research about. We will find about the brief history of the disease, the way to cure it, and the effect of it. Our group choose bubonic plague. We are interested in it since we have learn it from the history class. The thing I like in this project is it improve my presentation skill. To me, a good presentation mean it use less word, the one who are presenting need to look at the audience, and they have a good flow information. I practice a alot and I think I can do well on this project. The thing I found it hard in this project is that to make the presentation easy to understand by using only just picture and to arrange the order of information presented.


- Innovative Thinkers - present by relying on the information you found

- Strategic Learners - use our laptop to do a research about the bubonic plague

- Articulate Communicators - use presentation to help explain the information about bubonic plague

- Leader of the future - we have short period of time to use to find the information so we need to distribute the work effectively

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