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We are assigned to do a research about the danger of industrial farming in different topic and make it into a booklet. My perspective towards my products is that the booklet looks very good. I try to make it look clean and minimal; not having too many decorations. The information is very simple and easy to understand. Our group try to explain in the ways that it will not confuse the reader that don't have any basic about environmental science; anyone can understand. In addition, we also try to link the information with the situation in Thailand. However, to me, some parts of the information in the booklet are not really connected together and may not related to the main topics. I think my success is the way I design each page in the booklet, I try to make the letter big and easy to read, I try to make it looks balance by making it fit to page and have object on both sides. I learn a lot in this project. I summarize most of the information before putting it on the booklet so I remember most of it. I select the topics I am interested in so I have the effort to find the information about the topics. Some of my failure are the way I join each page together into a booklet, I use hot glue which I am not familiar with, which make it a little messy and some ink on the page go out. In addition, some others mistake is the content some of it are not linked together. I can learn from these mistakes by before doing anything we should try using it in different pieces of work first so we can be sure to make less mistakes and we should try to read the information again before putting it in the booklet so we can be sure that the information is correct and related to the topics.

I do a research about three topics including the CAFOs, the greenhouse gases emission, and the overuse of pesticide. CAFOs is an industrial-sized livestock. It feed a lot of animal. The animal will be restricted in a small area. The amount of waste it produced is very high. The wastes are released into the runoff, flowing to the ocean and cause deadzone because of eutrophication. In addition, CAFOs release high amount of hazardous gases such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and methane which is the main contributor to global warming. Also, there are some particulate matter, chicken feather, and chicken feces released from the CAFOs barn which can cause disease in human. The food given in the CAFOs are unnatural food that require more resources to grow. When the cows are slaughtered in the CAFOs, the e. coli in their stomach flow into the water and to the nearby farm, interact with the crop and when it is eaten by human, it can cause serious illness. The main greenhouse gases that is emitted from the farming process include carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. The carbon dioxide come from tillage process; preparing the land for growing crop, combustion of fossil fuel in the factory, and meat transportation. Methane is much stronger than the carbon dioxide in absorbing the heat. It is released from cattle ranching process and a cow’s fart. Nitrous oxide is even more powerful with 300 times stronger than carbon dioxide in trapping the heat. The nitrous oxide is mainly emitted from the fertilizer. When the soil has too much nitrogen, the bacteria will do nitrification and denitrification which released nitrous oxide. The other way is from the livestock manure treatment. The treatment process provides good condition for the bacteria to emit nitrous oxide. Using of pesticide present in most of the farm. The pesticides are used to kill pest that are damaging the crop. In contrast, the pesticide produced even more damaged to the crop and promoted genetic resistance to pesticide in the pest. The pesticide are left on the plant and when it is eaten by other organisms the pesticide transfer to store in that organism instead, bioaccumulation. Also, as the chemical from pesticide passed through the food chain, it concentration level increase, biomagnification. Chemical from pesticide can also cause serious ill ness in human such as Parkinson, Asthma, Alzheimer, Cancer, and ADHD. From everything I learned I can conclude that the gases that CAFOs released are mostly the greenhouse gases. It also grows unnatural food to feed the animal which they use the pesticide to kill the pest that attack those crops. They will need a lot of pesticide to be able to cover all the crop that they grow to feed the animal. The pesticide leftover on the plant passed into the animal body after being eaten. Those animals are slaughtered and sent to sell for people to eat. After people eat those meats, the chemical from the meat passed into their body and when it is highly stored in our body it can cause us serious illness such as Parkinson, Asthma, and ADHD. Some further research that might resolve these problems can be the technology that make use of the harmful gases and convert it into others gases which is not dangerous or the natural product that the pest hate used to keep away the pest from the crop.

From this project, I have demonstrated four of the ESLOs including strategic learners, innovative thinkers, altruistic global citizen, and leader of the future. It is related to strategic learners because I used my laptop to do a research, I need to make a plan so that we can finish the products on time, and I need to mange my time well because there are also three more individual work aside from the booklet. This show innovative thinkers because we need to create a solution based from the information we found, we use laptop to design each page of the booklet and make it creative. This work depicts altruistic global citizen because we are presenting the negative effect of industrial farming in order to promote well being community. This supported the ESLOs leader of the future because this is a group work and in order to be able to complete this work on time and produce a high-quality product the students must manage the work in their group very well. From this work, I have improved my paraphrase skill, reading skill, and designing. I need to paraphrase all the information from three of the topics. I need to read a lot of article and take out only the main idea of it. I need to design the pages in the booklet and I try to make it look creative. Last but not least, I think that learning about the meat production was very interesting. The CAFOs really pull my attention and it is the thing I never recognized before. I never thought that it has this much effects to our environment and I think we should care more about it.

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