We are assigned to do a research about the danger of industrial farming in different topic and make it into a booklet. My perspective...
Research Proposal
Our group are going to do about deforestation to gain area for farming, disruption of nutrient cycle from industrial farming methods, the...
Charles Darwin Comic
I read the history of how Charles Darwin published his theory of natural selection. I choose the 10 events that I think its important to...
HIPPCO Student Teaching Projects
Our group are assigned to presented about the Non-native invasive species. We teach our friend about what is invasive species, to be a...
Alien Biomes Adaptation
In this lesson I learned about the 5 major biomes including the Arctic tundra, temperate deciduous forest, Grassland, Desert, and...
Rock Cycle Poster
In this poster we show how each type of rock changes to another type of rock, describe the process, and give an example for each type. We...